在游戏中获胜的金奖徽章。 矢量卡通图标的金牌与丝带、宝石、羽毛和树叶。 体育或比赛中最佳名次的奖杯或奖品/Gold award badges for win in game. Vector cartoon icons of golden medals with ribbons, gem, feathers and leaves. Trophy or prize for best place in sport or competition

在游戏中获胜的金奖徽章。 矢量卡通图标的金牌与丝带、宝石、羽毛和树叶。 体育或比赛中最佳名次的奖杯或奖品/Gold award badges for win in game. Vector cartoon icons of golden medals with ribbons, gem, feathers and leaves. Trophy or prize for best place in sport or competition插图

素材名称:在游戏中获胜的金奖徽章。 矢量卡通图标的金牌与丝带、宝石、羽毛和树叶。 体育或比赛中最佳名次的奖杯或奖品

英文名称:Gold award badges for win in game. Vector cartoon icons of golden medals with ribbons, gem, feathers and leaves. Trophy or prize for best place in sport or competition

