牙科椅上带着病人围兜的年轻人和坐在他旁边的牙医。 他拿着牙钻和镜子,用牙科显微镜观察牙齿。/Young man with patient bib on a dental chair and a dentist who sits next to him. He looks on his teeth using a dental microscope and holds a dental bur and a mirror.

牙科椅上带着病人围兜的年轻人和坐在他旁边的牙医。 他拿着牙钻和镜子,用牙科显微镜观察牙齿。/Young man with patient bib on a dental chair and a dentist who sits next to him. He looks on his teeth using a dental microscope and holds a dental bur and a mirror.插图

素材名称:牙科椅上带着病人围兜的年轻人和坐在他旁边的牙医。 他拿着牙钻和镜子,用牙科显微镜观察牙齿。

英文名称:Young man with patient bib on a dental chair and a dentist who sits next to him. He looks on his teeth using a dental microscope and holds a dental bur and a mirror.

