背景调查员分析犯罪现场证据时,货架上摆满了警察文件的选择性焦点。 非洲裔美国私家侦探在档案室处理失踪人员案件。/Selective focus of shelves full with police documents, in background investigator analyzing crime scene evidence. African american private detective working at missing person case in arhive room.

背景调查员分析犯罪现场证据时,货架上摆满了警察文件的选择性焦点。 非洲裔美国私家侦探在档案室处理失踪人员案件。/Selective focus of shelves full with police documents, in background investigator analyzing crime scene evidence. African american private detective working at missing person case in arhive room.插图

素材名称:背景调查员分析犯罪现场证据时,货架上摆满了警察文件的选择性焦点。 非洲裔美国私家侦探在档案室处理失踪人员案件。

英文名称:Selective focus of shelves full with police documents, in background investigator analyzing crime scene evidence. African american private detective working at missing person case in arhive room.

