身着防护服的医生与儿童患者的母亲讨论牙齿 X 光检查,解释在 covisd-19 大流行中使用片剂进行治疗。 医疗团队佩戴面罩、工作服、口罩、手套/Doctor in protective suit discussing about x-ray of tooth with mother of child patient explaining treatment using tablet in covisd-19 pandemic. Medical team wearing face shield, coverall, mask, gloves

身着防护服的医生与儿童患者的母亲讨论牙齿 X 光检查,解释在 covisd-19 大流行中使用片剂进行治疗。 医疗团队佩戴面罩、工作服、口罩、手套/Doctor in protective suit discussing about x-ray of tooth with mother of child patient explaining treatment using tablet in covisd-19 pandemic. Medical team wearing face shield, coverall, mask, gloves插图

素材名称:身着防护服的医生与儿童患者的母亲讨论牙齿 X 光检查,解释在 covisd-19 大流行中使用片剂进行治疗。 医疗团队佩戴面罩、工作服、口罩、手套

英文名称:Doctor in protective suit discussing about x-ray of tooth with mother of child patient explaining treatment using tablet in covisd-19 pandemic. Medical team wearing face shield, coverall, mask, gloves

