抽象背景或横幅,带有几何 3D 形状半球、八面体、球体或圆环、圆锥体和金字塔,红色背景上带有金色珍珠和戒指,创意设计,插图/Abstract background or banner with geometric 3d shapes hemisphere, octahedron, sphere or torus, cone and pyramid on red backdrop with golden pearls and rings, creative design, illustration

抽象背景或横幅,带有几何 3D 形状半球、八面体、球体或圆环、圆锥体和金字塔,红色背景上带有金色珍珠和戒指,创意设计,插图/Abstract background or banner with geometric 3d shapes hemisphere, octahedron, sphere or torus, cone and pyramid on red backdrop with golden pearls and rings, creative design, illustration插图

素材名称:抽象背景或横幅,带有几何 3D 形状半球、八面体、球体或圆环、圆锥体和金字塔,红色背景上带有金色珍珠和戒指,创意设计,插图

英文名称:Abstract background or banner with geometric 3d shapes hemisphere, octahedron, sphere or torus, cone and pyramid on red backdrop with golden pearls and rings, creative design, illustration

