城市街道上有房屋、电车和空荡荡的道路,冬天有人行横道。 二维动画的矢量视差背景,带有电车轨道、建筑物和雪的城镇卡通插图/City street with houses, tram and empty road with pedestrian crosswalk in winter. Vector parallax background for 2d animation with cartoon illustration of town with tramway, buildings and snow

城市街道上有房屋、电车和空荡荡的道路,冬天有人行横道。 二维动画的矢量视差背景,带有电车轨道、建筑物和雪的城镇卡通插图/City street with houses, tram and empty road with pedestrian crosswalk in winter. Vector parallax background for 2d animation with cartoon illustration of town with tramway, buildings and snow插图

素材名称:城市街道上有房屋、电车和空荡荡的道路,冬天有人行横道。 二维动画的矢量视差背景,带有电车轨道、建筑物和雪的城镇卡通插图

英文名称:City street with houses, tram and empty road with pedestrian crosswalk in winter. Vector parallax background for 2d animation with cartoon illustration of town with tramway, buildings and snow

