客厅里没有人携带运输设备,沙发上没有拐杖。 配备移动物体的空地可以帮助身体残疾的患者,帮助他们从行走问题中恢复。/Nobody in living room with transportation equipment and crutches on couch. Empty space with mobility objects to help patient with physical disability, giving aid to recover from walking problem.

客厅里没有人携带运输设备,沙发上没有拐杖。 配备移动物体的空地可以帮助身体残疾的患者,帮助他们从行走问题中恢复。/Nobody in living room with transportation equipment and crutches on couch. Empty space with mobility objects to help patient with physical disability, giving aid to recover from walking problem.插图

素材名称:客厅里没有人携带运输设备,沙发上没有拐杖。 配备移动物体的空地可以帮助身体残疾的患者,帮助他们从行走问题中恢复。

英文名称:Nobody in living room with transportation equipment and crutches on couch. Empty space with mobility objects to help patient with physical disability, giving aid to recover from walking problem.

