可爱、快乐、积极的亚洲人在橙色背景下不再听音乐与伴侣交谈。 美丽的微笑的女人在见到她的朋友时摘下耳机。/Cute joyful positive asian person stops listening to music to talk with mate while on orange background. Beautiful smiling heartily woman taking off headphones when she meets her friend.

可爱、快乐、积极的亚洲人在橙色背景下不再听音乐与伴侣交谈。 美丽的微笑的女人在见到她的朋友时摘下耳机。/Cute joyful positive asian person stops listening to music to talk with mate while on orange background. Beautiful smiling heartily woman taking off headphones when she meets her friend.插图

素材名称:可爱、快乐、积极的亚洲人在橙色背景下不再听音乐与伴侣交谈。 美丽的微笑的女人在见到她的朋友时摘下耳机。

英文名称:Cute joyful positive asian person stops listening to music to talk with mate while on orange background. Beautiful smiling heartily woman taking off headphones when she meets her friend.

