梳着卷发的幸福女人的肖像穿着休闲条纹 T 恤和头带,拿着牙刷和新鲜的漱口水,定期清洁牙齿,在蓝色背景下隔离口腔卫生/Portrait of happy woman with curly combed hair wears casual striped t shirt and headband holds toothbrush and fresh mouthwash cleans teeth regularly isolated over blue background Oral hygiene

梳着卷发的幸福女人的肖像穿着休闲条纹 T 恤和头带,拿着牙刷和新鲜的漱口水,定期清洁牙齿,在蓝色背景下隔离口腔卫生/Portrait of happy woman with curly combed hair wears casual striped t shirt and headband holds toothbrush and fresh mouthwash cleans teeth regularly isolated over blue background Oral hygiene插图

素材名称:梳着卷发的幸福女人的肖像穿着休闲条纹 T 恤和头带,拿着牙刷和新鲜的漱口水,定期清洁牙齿,在蓝色背景下隔离口腔卫生

英文名称:Portrait of happy woman with curly combed hair wears casual striped t shirt and headband holds toothbrush and fresh mouthwash cleans teeth regularly isolated over blue background Oral hygiene

