未来的城市,形状不寻常的未来玻璃建筑和空荡荡的道路上的绿色植物。 现代建筑塔和摩天大楼。 外星城市住宅设计,卡通矢量图/Future city, futuristic glass buildings of unusual shapes and green plants along empty road. Modern architecture towers and skyscrapers. Alien urban dwellings design, Cartoon vector illustration

未来的城市,形状不寻常的未来玻璃建筑和空荡荡的道路上的绿色植物。 现代建筑塔和摩天大楼。 外星城市住宅设计,卡通矢量图/Future city, futuristic glass buildings of unusual shapes and green plants along empty road. Modern architecture towers and skyscrapers. Alien urban dwellings design, Cartoon vector illustration插图

素材名称:未来的城市,形状不寻常的未来玻璃建筑和空荡荡的道路上的绿色植物。 现代建筑塔和摩天大楼。 外星城市住宅设计,卡通矢量图

英文名称:Future city, futuristic glass buildings of unusual shapes and green plants along empty road. Modern architecture towers and skyscrapers. Alien urban dwellings design, Cartoon vector illustration

