一家人在厨房里吵架。 带着刀子的女孩带着愤怒的脸和一个惊讶的家伙。 夫妻吵架、误会、关系破裂、脸色烦躁、模仿争吵。/Family quarrel in the kitchen. Girl with angry face with a knife and a surprised guy. The husband and wife arguing, misunderstanding, broken relationships, irritated face, imitation quarrel.

一家人在厨房里吵架。 带着刀子的女孩带着愤怒的脸和一个惊讶的家伙。 夫妻吵架、误会、关系破裂、脸色烦躁、模仿争吵。/Family quarrel in the kitchen. Girl with angry face with a knife and a surprised guy. The husband and wife arguing, misunderstanding, broken relationships, irritated face, imitation quarrel.插图

素材名称:一家人在厨房里吵架。 带着刀子的女孩带着愤怒的脸和一个惊讶的家伙。 夫妻吵架、误会、关系破裂、脸色烦躁、模仿争吵。

英文名称:Family quarrel in the kitchen. Girl with angry face with a knife and a surprised guy. The husband and wife arguing, misunderstanding, broken relationships, irritated face, imitation quarrel.

