戴着面罩的工人控制咖啡烘焙过程。 咖啡烘焙师在烘焙设备上工作。 戴面具和制服的男子使用机械设备/Worker in face mask controlling coffee roasting process. Coffee roaster working on roasting equipment. Man in mask and uniform Working with machinery appliance

戴着面罩的工人控制咖啡烘焙过程。 咖啡烘焙师在烘焙设备上工作。 戴面具和制服的男子使用机械设备/Worker in face mask controlling coffee roasting process. Coffee roaster working on roasting equipment. Man in mask and uniform Working with machinery appliance插图

素材名称:戴着面罩的工人控制咖啡烘焙过程。 咖啡烘焙师在烘焙设备上工作。 戴面具和制服的男子使用机械设备

英文名称:Worker in face mask controlling coffee roasting process. Coffee roaster working on roasting equipment. Man in mask and uniform Working with machinery appliance

