丈夫将水果放入搅拌机中混合,制成健康的冰沙。 健康无忧无虑、快乐的生活方式,在舒适的阳光明媚的早晨饮食和准备早餐/Husband putting fruits in blender to mix them for healthy smoothie. Healthy carefree and cheerful lifestyle, eating diet and preparing breakfast in cozy sunny morning

丈夫将水果放入搅拌机中混合,制成健康的冰沙。 健康无忧无虑、快乐的生活方式,在舒适的阳光明媚的早晨饮食和准备早餐/Husband putting fruits in blender to mix them for healthy smoothie. Healthy carefree and cheerful lifestyle, eating diet and preparing breakfast in cozy sunny morning插图

素材名称:丈夫将水果放入搅拌机中混合,制成健康的冰沙。 健康无忧无虑、快乐的生活方式,在舒适的阳光明媚的早晨饮食和准备早餐

英文名称:Husband putting fruits in blender to mix them for healthy smoothie. Healthy carefree and cheerful lifestyle, eating diet and preparing breakfast in cozy sunny morning

